Friday, July 22, 2011

Fabric Flower Adventure

I need to make a confession and it is one that I have seen several fellow bloggers make lately.  I am severely addicted to Pinterest.  Don't get me wrong, I have been doing other things too.  I got to spend the majority of last week hanging out with my nephew who came from Texas.  Unfortunately, the weather here has been miserably hot with temperatures and heat indexes in the 100's and no end in sight.  We spent most of our time going to the movies and swimming in the pool at my mom's.   I have also been working on some new jewelry pieces and making more branches for my dimensional wall mural.  Since the wall mural is still in progress, I thought I would share one of my completed necklaces.
I started off weaving small gunmetal glass seed beads and beige beading thread. Then as I went along, I added some pretty pink shell discs.  After I got the necklace to the length I wanted, I could not decide on how I was going to finish it off.  I did not really want to use a clasp because the necklace is long enough to easily go over the head, but I was a bit stumped.  This is about the time that I chastise myself for not planning out the project in its entirety once again.  Anyway, this brings me back to my Pinterest addiction.  I began looking at many different craft tutorials and came across a fabric flower tutorial that had burned edges.  It was perfect(Ok so I still made some of my own modifications)!  So, I made a special trip to Joann's fabrics and purchased some silver crinkled material, primrose colored tulle, and beige colored tulle.  Here is the final result:

 My head is spinning with different applications for the singed fabric flowers!  It is a perfect way to keep myself busy while being trapped inside the air conditioned house.  I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea that people actually survived in this weather before the air conditioner was invented.  I really don't know how they did it! Hopefully everyone else out there has found ways to stay cooled off and to those who have been basking in cooler weather ...:} I'm jealous right now.
Happy Crafting!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Gone to the Birds....

It has been a bit hectic around my house the past few weeks and I have little in the way of blogger material to show for it.  I have been experimenting with paper clay and making birds and branches to hang on the wall in our stairwell.  I got the bird forms and the branches figured out with no problems.  It took me a few tries to get the detailed painting on the birds completed.  I really want my birds to look as realistic as possible and I have never painted a bird before.  Here is what I have so far:
It is supposed to be an Indigo Bunting.  I have decided that I am going to break down and get a black flat backed bead to use for the eye. Overall I am pretty pleased with the results. I can't wait to get the rest of the branches completed and get them placed on the wall.  I hope to get it all done in the next few weeks and post an updated picture of the fully completed project.
On another front, I have decided to move forward on starting my own business instead of constantly waiting for a better time. I have lived so much of my life living in fear and putting off things that really are important to me.  I have so many ideas and can't wait to share my adventures with fellow bloggers and closet  blogger readers.
Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July!  There are not words adequate enough to express the appreciation I have for those who have made sacrifices so we have freedom.